What You’ll Find Here

Tech gear that everyone can find useful, along with business related topics leaning towards others in or around the IT industry. And everyone likes something weird, so any weird tech worthy of mention will find it’s way here to.

Obviously the goal is to provide useful or interesting content…if that’s not what you see, use the feedback form. it’s okay, you won’t hurt my feelings, so rip me a new one. All criticism is constructive criticism.

Feel free to disagree, know more, or offer your own perspective in the comments. Have an opinion?… This is the internet, shout it loudly and proudly. All that being said, please don’t be obscene or harass others.

A Little Fine Print…

I may receive a commission from action taken on any affiliate links throughout the site, however reviews, comments, and opinions made about products or services will always be genuine, and without financial bias.


